Equestrian Wisdom & History Books Astonishing Rides, Rescues & Races Website designed by Basha O'Reilly
"Whisper on the Wind - the Tom Bass Story." The story of Captain, the horse with the human brain. Like "Clever Hans," Captain could count and select the correct colours when asked, but he could also play tunes and perform numerous amazing "tricks." Or were they? Could he really reason? Read this account and decide for yourself. Deciphering Mankind’s First Equestrian Training Text – While the debate may still rage regarding who first rode the horse, historians credit the Mittani horse trainer, Kikkuli, for having composed mankind’s first equestrian training manual. Approximately 4,000 years ago the mighty Hittite kingdom needed horses to draw their deadly chariots into battle. It was Kikkuli who not only devised a 184 day training regime for the horses, additionally he recorded his methods on clay tablets. While previous studies have inspected a portion of this ancient wisdom, the noted Kikkuli expert, Peter Raulwing, has authored an exhaustive illustrated study which reveals many new insights into this still fascinating equestrian work.
To Amaze the People: Newcastle’s Horsemanship Manuals – One cannot study mankind’s attempts to understand, and train, the horse without considering the remarkable career of English horseman, William Cavendish, the Duke of Newcastle. In 1658 Newcastle authored one of the world’s most enlightened books on equestrian training. British writer and Newcastle scholar, Dr. Elaine Walker, has undertaken an in-depth study of the Duke's horsemanship manuals, considering them as key texts in the history of the relationship between humans and the horse. This academic research paper is a prequel to her book of the same name, an analysis of the famous Duke, his books and his horses. Additionally, Walker will also be releasing a new annotated edition of Newcastle’s second horsemanship manual of 1667. Both books will soon be available via the Long Riders’ Guild Press and will be featured in the Equestrian Wisdom and History Collection. Trust, by Emma Kurrels. I often am told by riders "I can sit anything". My reply is always the same "Why would you want to sit on something that by bucking clearly does not want you on its back?"
The Indian Blanket Act. Sikunder's Law: an Appeal for
Equestrian Justice.
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